The most powerful gaming console in the World
76 topics in this forum
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Happy Twenty-first Anniversary to Xbox, and to all us gamers for that matter!! Now I may not of been there from the start (Nintendobaby), but what Xbox now means to me is right up there with a gaming company that's been by my side since before the age of 3. I'd literally never even dual stick'd before I got my first Xbox 360, tho I guess 14 years and <127 000 Gamerscore ain't nothin to turn your head at either. Cheers to @Xbox and here's to another glorious 21 years!!!
- 2 replies
What are the leaked and rumoured informations that Xbox Prime coming out in the 2026 together with brand new call of duty game?
- 2 replies
My Xbox Account are suspended and banned.
- 3 replies
What you do know about the Xbox and what are your knowledge related and regarding on the Xbox?
- 2 replies
What you do know about Xbox Series X the most powerful console in the world on the information wise on the info and what are your knowledge to it?
- 1 follower
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Mam pytanko dotyczące mojego xbox series X . Moja konsola włącza się sama nocą bez żadnej znaczącej przyczyny. Może ktoś wyjaśnić czemu tak jest? Czy konsola ma wadę? Czy jedynym wyjściem jest wyłączenie z prądu? Z góry dziękuje
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hey everyone, i just bough series X last week and would love to get some good games recommendations for someone who only played with PS? What games its must for Xbox? As well happy to Dolan for multiplayer later on. Thx
- 3 replies
Hello, I have a question, two years ago we bought an Xbox Series X console for our son. However, he doesn't use it anymore and didn't play it much, it was unused 90% of the time, so I took over the console. I wonder if I need to replace the thermal paste and clean the console inside? I will add that there is some dust on the fan, but the room is clean and the console has been cleaned from the outside as well. Thanks Johnny.
- Premium
- 2 replies
As in the title. Can you download games before release date? Im talking about Starfield, can I pre-install the game and just play straight away on the 6th?
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi, I was playing earlier and my Xbox Xbox (series X) was fine,then out of nowhere just powers off. When ain’t turning back on it works for a minute until I tried to load a game then just shuts off. I found a pattern here , so If my Xbox is off my controller will just flash over and over until I take the battery's out. Without controller I’m able to air console power button to switch it on and off, so maybe is there something wrong with controller??
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi does anyone know why i can’t use any wired headsets in my series x without getting consistent choppy audio every time? I have tried buying new head sets and changing settings and don’t know what to do. Oddly enough my ps5 does the same thing only with wired headsets. Someone suggested it could be interference from other electronics but ive isolated my consoles from my router and other things and still the same. Any help would be great please
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Morning all, my series X playing up this morning will not launch any digital games, I keep getting error code 0x875000036 Have cleared alternate Mac, and power cycled console still no luck any help please?
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I have Xbox series X and my partner PS5. We was downloading this same game recently in this same time and what I noticed, on Xbox download takes much longer. why?
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- 6 replies
Question for my xbox-ers. One if my friend been looking at series x but was wondering if he bought a digital game do he get a version for xbox one x as well?
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Może trochę głupie pytanie ale nurtuje mnie od dłuższego czasu. Jako że gry na Xbox One są tańsze to czy mogę w nie grać na series X? Nie interesuje mnie wyjechana w kosmos grafika bo na Xbox one też jest super. Chce wiedzieć czy jest ok i czy mogę kupywać gry na One a grać na series X?
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Siemeczka ziomki. Ostatnio wszystko grało ok i nie miałem żadnych problemów z konsolą itp. A proszę co się stało wczoraj, taki ekran. Normalnie mogę wszystkie programy oglądać, appy itp a jak gram to coś się dzieje z konsolą i mam taki obraz. Sprawdzałem ustawienia i wszystko gra, odłączałem kable, ruszałem przy wejściach i nic, zero. Macie jakieś pomysły co i jak? Ukryta treść
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Siemeczka, mam problem z menu sklepu(store) na XsX? Nic nie zmieniałem a konsola jest ustawiona na region Polska i język polski(w głównym menu jest wszystko po polsku) ale już w Store jest wszystko po angielsku? Dlaczego? Można to jakoś zmienić?
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Apologies in advance if this is in the incorrect place. basically, I am trying to set my son up on his new Xbox series x to be able to play FIFA 23 online against his friends. However the EA login/account system is seriously confusing me. I have my own profile on the Xbox and my own EA account. When logged into my profile I can login to my EA account on fifa and add friends to play online no problem, the problem lies when I go onto my sons profile, open up fifa, and try to login using his login details for EA it wo t let me login even though login details are correct (I can login to ea account on a web browser using his details fine). …
- Premium
- 8 replies
I have a problem with my xbox series X. After I using xbox memory card for last month, when I switch on the console the green screen with the logo appears normally and then a black screen? Nothing on the screen, except the menu which is activated when pressing the Xbox logo on the pad. Any ideas? I can play on my spare PC but really stuck here. Should I send it to repair?
- 1 follower
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Ostatnio zauważyłem że większe gry, takie powyżej 50GB nie chcą mi się zainstalować do końca. Tzn instaluje się do połowy gdzieś a póżniej już nic się nie dzieje. Czemu tak się dzieje? Coś nie tak z moją konsolą? Dodam że to konsola Xbox series X .