10 topics in this forum
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Hi guys. How do I turn off kudos notifications in my email specifically? I can’t find any settings in Strava App under email notifications and it’s so annoying to receive all the emails just saying that someone gave you thumb up.
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Hi guys, In next few months we are going skiing first time in my life and I’ve got few questions. 1. What clothes and accessories I need 2. Any good brands you could recommend? 3. Should I take any lessons before go? 4. Is 14 days enough for learning skiing? 5. What should I choose skiing or snowboarding??
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Good morning everyone, as you know I always was supporting #healthygamers and healthy life style... If anyone is interesting in buying peloton bike or a treadmill I've got a code that you can use to receive $100, £100 off your final price. Code- 8WAEWS and my Leaderboard name- milestorun
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I know that some of you was exchanging info about peloton treadmill last year, any chance for one so I can get $100 off?
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Hi 🙋♂️. As some of you know my mom using peloton bike for a good few months now and as @edjazoli25 recommend it to me, I’ve tried myself few lessons and since then I am simply addicted. I’d like to ask what is your favourite lesson, instructor or set? I know that we have few more people here who are own Peloton bike or treadmill so please let me know your thoughts.Thanks and have a good spin!🚴🏼
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Hej Panowie Co sądzicie o naszej Reprezentacji? Mamy szanse w Euro i Mistrzostwach Świata? Zaczynam temat bo jestem do tylu z piłka. Ktoś wie kiedy gramy itp?
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Hi everyone. Last Thursday my new Peloton treadmill arrived and I already managed to do few lessons/runs with my early birthday present. I tried to mix outdoor running with Peloton bike before and I must say, it’s a great combination of two, how different, types of activities. After few runs, I started compare in my mind, indoor and outside runs and I must say, with positive impact, that at the moment inside runs are more challenging. I realised that I need to focus more on my body position, speed, legs layout and I can see already impact on the muscles that never been used before. It’s easier to organise the run, when you’ve got the constant support from your coa…
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Hi everyone. I remember from previous topics that @edjazoli25 was able to generate referral code for Peloton bike that will give him and my mom $100 off for accessories? If so, could I have it as my mom definitely going for bike this week. Thanks Could you please as well advice us how to use it and what can we choose from accessories?
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- 6 replies
Hi everyone. As most of you know, especially @SweetButPhysco12who was following me and get her Peloton Bike, on the 26th of December we will have a chance at last to order new Peleton Treadmill here in Uk. I can't wait for the first day when I'll be able to place my oder and at last start intense running. For me, as some of you know physical activity is important as well as gaming and mental this is why I'm treating Peloton bike and Treadmill as a "suplement" in my weekly routine, sometimes you not feel good to run in the rainy, wet, or stormy weather(yes, typical British weather 🤣)....this is when you can jump in to do a spin or have a indoor …
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HI 👋 everyone. If you looking for a Peloton purchase as a New Year resolution , give me a shout and I will provide you with £100 off code... Let the spin begin!!