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Xbox series S update stopped half way.✔︎

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  • Administrator

Hi @Hgame960, firstly quick info why the update may stop in your case. Check the info below to make sure you are ready for another one after the restart.

  • Your console has a hardware issue.
  • Your Xbox One has disconnected from the internet.
  • Your hard drive is full.

Now before continue start from a quick restart and everything should be fine.

*Restart your Xbox One. *Sometimes your Xbox One just needs a helpful little push to finish updating itself.

Press and hold the Xbox button in the middle of your controller to open a menu, and then select Restart console.

6 hours ago, Guest Hgame960 said:

Is that bad for my new console?

Its not really a big issue and your console will be perfectly fine, as I said; internet drop or simply not enough space will stop you from update...

Hope that help?

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Guest Hgame960

Thanks mate, done all the steps and I’ve done the update again without any problem. I realised as well as you mentioned that wasn’t enough space on the disc in the first tim Any chance that you could recommend me a good external hard drive for series S?

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