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Hi Lads. 
My boss going to move me to Germany for three months as this silly Brexit situation. Of course I’m taking my Xbox console with me., So my question is-Could I be able to  keep all my games and play them or as it’s a different region/country it’s mean different libraries and different game pass? Or my console will be locked?

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As far as I know the games library is attached to the account and there should be no problems in using your games abroad. You should be able to take your console to anyplace you want and use it without any trouble. 


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There is no playback restriction on purchased and downloaded games that you still keeping on your console. 

However, you would not be able to redownload the game you purchased, as it would  not be available for you to download in the Microsoft Store in different country. With discs it’s not a problem at all. I think your Game Pass selection could be different than Uk so it’s worth to install your favourite games and maybe even consider taking external hard drive with you. 

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Hi @Paulx5, Xbox its not locked and you can take it wherever you want. Of course the game pass will be slightly different from country to country, however all the installed game will be available for you to play. I can see you’ve got seriesS so discs are no good for you. 

3 hours ago, Charlie2001 said:

think your Game Pass selection could be different than Uk so it’s worth to install your favourite games and maybe even consider taking external hard drive with you. 

Simple 2T hard drive will be enough.

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