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Hi everyone 

I’ll be honest with you, I was waiting for this part of “Money Heist” series a while now and can’t wait to spend all day tomorrow to watch everything in one go!!!

I’m not a movie etc blogger but I will tell you that you can’t simply ignore that series.

Let me know why you think after watching Part1?

@ Maiker83  it’s a job for you..??06A681E5-1A59-4A12-861A-A419BE677193.jpeg

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Really liked part 1 and 2, but 3 was kinda meh. The 2 first episodes of part 4 are pretty disappointing in my opinion. I think they diluted these great characters, and reduced them to shouting and fighting among each other. I'd say if any of you guys haven't watched the series, you just stick to part 1 and 2, the rest is pretty disposable.

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@ Maiker83 , you right I thought that everything will finish now in the last part ??

And maybe they arguing because it’s so much pressure-think what you will do in they place ?

For me great series, but slightly to long without end.........

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