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[ENG Below] Hej! Xbox Game Showcase już za nami. Jeżeli jesteście ciekawi jakie gry zostały zapowiedziane wpadajcie na:


Tam będziecie mogli przeczytać również przemyślenia całego Xbox Team. Gdy przeczytacie dajcie znać co Wy myślicie o tej konferencji i na jakie gry najbardziej czekacie 😄


Hi! Xbox Game Showcase is behind us. If you are interested in what games have been announced, drop by: (In the lower left corner you can change to the language)


There you will also be able to read the thoughts of the entire Xbox Team. When you read it, let me know what you think about this conference and what games you are waiting for the most: D 

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Waiting4 The Gung  and Halo Infinite.

As I’m going for my first Xbox console , I need idea which one 2 choose . I will open another post about it.👍review .

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