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It’s a very tough question because as you mentioned from one site we have a latest console, that be honest it’s not as I was expected and probably will be ok for first console, even with lack of storage and digital option only. However from another side we have Xbox One S( I used to use it for many years) that is a decent console with bigger storage and possibility of using discs(very handy for selling or swapping after finishing game). If that will be me I will go for Xbox series X but I presume it’s to expensive for you…In this case I will stay with Xbox One S-you will never see a difference in graphic, sound etc. It will last at least another 5-6 years as most of the game(probably all) will be still compatible with Xbox one S/X…In the meantime start saving for XSX.

Good luck and don’t forget to register for full access to the forum. 


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  • xModerator

Great question. I prefer definitely select new gen because difference in price is not a big at all and you have a great new gen games like Flying Simulator. Low storage and lack of blueray hurts but if you have good network connection you can still play many games in GP offers and look for discounts to earn games. In future the only remains option to play new games well optimized brings gamepass with xcloud and still it depends of connection.

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