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As we know all Xbox games are for free for Xbox users, yes? So why when I’m going to Microsoft store I have option to buy an Xbox  game? Make no sense to me. If they are always for free for us why Xbox putting them with price as well, as a example Halo, free but still with price £59 and it’s for Xbox or Pc? 

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Hello my friend. You need to remember that only when you’ve got XGP membership (Ultimate) you will play Xbox branded games for free. Some of the player do not want to pay for Game Pass and prefer to buy a game. This is why you always got two options free(included with your plan) or paid if you only want to play in games you bought. 

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@wiktorek that’s true, what is the point of paying for Xbox live and then full price for games…plus ultimate include EA pass as well. Ok, I understand that some of the games are rubbish but thou, still worth it for the price and FH5, Halo etc 

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