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🇵🇱Cześć Wszystkim! Chcialem tylko sprawdzic jak wielu z nas gra aktualnie w tę wspaniałą grę. Może warto byłoby się tu podzielić klipami z najlepszych akcji? Albo umówić na wspólną walkę z przeciwnikami online?


🇬🇧Hi Guys! Just wanted to check how many of us here is playing this wonderful game. Maybe we can share the best clips from our matches? How about meeting online and slaying some enemy Spartans in style?😎

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I can go first and post one of my recent ones😁 Repulsor is definitely a beast of an equipment and these two guys felt it😎 #mindthegap

Link below👇


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Indeed it is a ton of fun 😊 Especially with a good team of mates. Have fun and see you on the map, Spartan!😇😎

And remember to be on the lookout for the Mangler, it's one hell of a weapon:



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@Roddix That's awesome, Man! See you on the maps! If you need tips, help, guidance, i can recommend some great yt channels to give you a boost. The mp component in infinite is great, so much so i cannot find the time to finish the campaign 😅

Here's one more from me to encourage my fellow Spartans 😎


The Ravager may not be as useless as i initially thought 😁👇



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