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Hi gamers.

Who's recently playing Dying Light 2? Asking, as I'm not sure if should I buy it, as I heard rumours that there is no guns in the game, is that true?


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I do not own this game because I play other games so I do not plan to buy it, but I already know the whole story and I know what weapons there are 

If you mean firearms, there are none, because the creators decided that in this part will be only white weapons such as baseball bats, machetes, etc.
Weapons can be upgraded in interesting ways so it makes up for the lack of firearms
I do not want to reveal anything more, but if you decide to buy the game I recommend that you buy it sometime in a month, because then the price will fall, maybe not so much, but always cheaper and in addition there will be fewer bugs after the updates, although there were not many since the premiere


@JimiBoy I’m afraid no, apparently according to the story the Amy took all the firearms while was leaving the town. I think you can have kind of “hand made” scrappy shotgun? Yea, but rest is purely a hand weapon. 

Sam gram i tak to prawda nie ma żadnych broni w grze. Armia skonfiskowała wszystko i miasto zostało bez broni. Tzn tylko biała broń jak maczety, noże, topory i temu podobne. Ogółem fajna zabawa ale troszkę jednak brakuje fajnej snajperki lub karabinu maszynowego heh. 

No, no guns I’m afraid, yeah I know rubbish! I was so in to the first part that I almost bought the second and then my friend share the sad news about lack of firearms. Hopefully in the third game the weapon will be back. 


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