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  • Administrator

We have some changes to the forum that I would like to inform you about:


  • We have added a new section in games - GAMING NEWS  , as @ MisterBobbyPin  requested, where you can find the latest news about games and technology in the gaming industry.
  • Unfortunately we have had to say goodbye to few xTeam members- @ Marnik and @ GMd4d . They are still members of our community of course, but as a normal users.
  • We have moved FORUM MATTERS section to the bottom of the forums and the Xbox Zone section to the top as a first forum section- I think this will make it easier for you to add topics and check out new info on Xbox and gaming feeds.
  • We have improved the speed of the site and some additional applications.
  • Of course we had 3rd Birthday of the forum, which of course I missed LOL. We gave out a few gifts to mark the occasion - @ Normax  and @ excalibur  -enjoy your gift cards!


  • I would like to add that our End of The Year Giveaway is still going on and anyone who registers or refers us has the chance to win great prizes.


  • I would also like to remind you to subscribe and donate if you would like to support our forum. All donations go towards the development and operation of our forum.



  • And perhaps most importantly. We added sad face to the reaction when @ BLacKK  ( great person and place to get cheaper games ) informed us that at some point Microsoft blocked a button "Buy as gift" 😞 ( at this point we had to add sad face as a reaction to this information).

Thank you 

@ edjazoli25 

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