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Hi guys, Im planning to move my bedroom to other room and make a separate gaming room. My only problem is that I would still like to play xbox occasionally in my room.  Is there any way to play games from xbox on my bedroom Tv? Any gizmo?


  • Administrator

You know you can try so e of the Samsung tv with game hub function. You can use it as a Xbox account and play remotely directly from your tv.  

  • VIP

So if you can use tv with game hub how you connecting your Xbox controller? Can you connect it direct to tv?📺 

As well, which exact models I can use@Charlie2001 it’s a great question as I would like to play sometime in my living room instead of bedroom and my larceny looking for new tv anyway. But it need to be 55”

  • Administrator

Yes, you connecting controller directly to TV via Bluetooth. Samsung TVs supporting lots of various Xbox and Ps controllers. 
one of the examples it’s Samsung that I own recently in my bedroom 

Samsung 43" Q60D QLED 4K, Powered by Quantum Dot, Quantum HDR, Object Tracking Sound Lit, Gaming Hub, DUAL LED

Just look for “Gaming Hub” feature while choosing Samsung model. 

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