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  • xModerator

In this topic i want to share with you my codes which can be usefull for someone (maybe). So have a fun!

First of all let's have fun with matrices! 🙂


Create matrix: let sampleMatrice = new Matrix([25, 11], [23, 11, 45], [13]);

[] means array of matrix items as rows

Transparent matrix: sampleMatrice = sampleMatrice.transparent(); - will return a new instance of Matrix object, so rememeber about asserting to variable!

Calculate any diagonals with: sampleMatrice.getDiagonalToLeft(rowIndexStart, columnIndexStart), sampleMatrice.getDiagonalToRight(rowIndexStart, columnIndexStart) and reversed.

Calculate main determinant: sampleMatrice.calculateMainDeterminant();

Code Version 1:



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class Matrix {
    _accessor = [];
    constructor() {
        let matrixMaxRowsLen = 0;
        try {
            for(let matrixRow in arguments) {
                if(Array.isArray(arguments[matrixRow])) matrixMaxRowsLen = Math.max(matrixMaxRowsLen, arguments[matrixRow].length);
            for(let matrixRow in arguments) {
                let matRow = new Array(matrixMaxRowsLen).fill(0);
                for(let j = 0;j<arguments[matrixRow].length;j++) matRow[j] = arguments[matrixRow][j];
        } catch(MatrixError) {
    getItem(indexRow, indexColumn) {return this._accessor[indexRow][indexColumn]}
    setItem(newValue, indexRow, indexColumn) {
        try {
            if(!isNaN(parseFloat(newValue))) this._accessor[indexRow][indexColumn] = parseFloat(newValue); else throw "Matrix items must be a number or number convertable value!";
        } catch(MatrixError) {
    getRow(indexRow) {return this._accessor[indexRow];}
    getColumn(indexColumn) {
        let column = [];
        for(let matrixRow in this._accessor) column.push(this._accessor[matrixRow][indexColumn]);
        return column;
    transparent() {
        let transparented = [];
        for(let i = 0;i<this._accessor.length;i++) transparented.push(this.getColumn(i));
        return new Matrix(...transparented);
    getDiagonalToRight(fromRowIndex=0, fromColumnIndex=0, customAccessor=null) {
        if(customAccessor==null) customAccessor = this._accessor;
        let outputRow = [];
        for(let matrixRow in customAccessor) {
            for(let matrixColumn in customAccessor[matrixRow]) {
                if(matrixRow==fromRowIndex && matrixColumn==fromColumnIndex) {
        return outputRow;
    getDiagonalToLeft(fromRowIndex=0, fromColumnIndex=-1, customAccessor=null) {
        if(customAccessor==null) customAccessor = this._accessor;
        if(fromColumnIndex<0) fromColumnIndex = this.columnLength - 1;
        let outputRow = [];
        for(let matrixRow in customAccessor) {
            for(let matrixColumn = customAccessor[matrixRow].length - 1;matrixColumn>=0;matrixColumn--) {
                if(matrixRow==fromRowIndex && matrixColumn==fromColumnIndex) {
        return outputRow;
    getDiagonalRevesedToLeft(fromRowIndex=-1, fromColumnIndex=-1) {
        if(fromRowIndex<0) fromRowIndex = this.rowLength - 1;
        if(fromColumnIndex<0) fromColumnIndex = this.columnLength - 1;
        let outputRow = [];
        for(let matrixRow = this._accessor.length - 1;matrixRow>=0;matrixRow--) {
            for(let matrixColumn = this._accessor[matrixRow].length - 1;matrixColumn>=0;matrixColumn--) {
                if(matrixRow==fromRowIndex && matrixColumn==fromColumnIndex) {
        return outputRow;
    calculateMainDeterminant() {
        let fromLeftSum = 0, fromRightSum = 0, combinedAccessor = [...this._accessor, ...this._accessor];
        if(this._accessor.length>2) {
        for(let matrixRow in this._accessor) {
            fromLeftSum += this.getDiagonalToRight(matrixRow, 0, combinedAccessor).reduce((prev, next)=>prev*next);
            fromRightSum += this.getDiagonalToLeft(matrixRow, -1, combinedAccessor).reduce((prev, next)=>prev*next);
        } else { fromLeftSum = this.getDiagonalToRight(0, 0, combinedAccessor).reduce((prev, next)=>prev*next); fromRightSum = this.getDiagonalToLeft(0, -1, combinedAccessor).reduce((prev, next)=>prev*next); }
        return fromLeftSum - fromRightSum;
    get lastRow() {return this._accessor[this._accessor.length - 1];}
    get lastColumn() {return this.getColumn(this.columnLength);}
    get rowLength() { let len = 0; for(let matrixRow in this._accessor) len = Math.max(len, this._accessor[matrixRow].length); return len; }
    get columnLength() {return this._accessor.length}
    get length() {return this.columnLength * this.rowLength;}
    toString() {
        let outputStr = "", totalLen;
        for(let matrixRow in this._accessor) totalLen = Math.max(totalLen, this._accessor[matrixRow].join(" ").length);
        for(let matrixRow in this._accessor) {
            outputStr += '|';
            for(let matrixColumn in this._accessor) {
                let repeater = (totalLen/this._accessor[matrixRow].length)-this._accessor[matrixRow][matrixColumn].length;
                outputStr += `${"".repeat(repeater)}${this._accessor[matrixRow][matrixColumn]}${"".repeat(repeater)}`;
            outputStr += '|\n';
        return outputStr;




Github: https://github.com/Grano22/MathAdv.js


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  • xModerator

Next is format function (popular in many technologies and programming languages). So i made it for you in JS!


Source (Repository): https://github.com/Grano22/jumper/blob/master/dataProcessing.js

Usage in current version: format(targetStr: string, initialObject: Array<any> || Object.prototype);

Example: format("Hello %s exacly! Wow, we make it %d times!", ["World", 14]);

Output: "Hello World exacly! Wow, we make it 14 times!"

Example #2: format("Thats really simple with %s[labelsWord], you can use it in any %s[situationWord]!", {labelsWord:"labels", situationWord:"situation"});

Output: "Thats really simple with labels, you can use it in any situation!"



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function format(targetStr, initialObj=null) {
    try {
        let sequences = [], sequence = "", inVarDeclaration = false, outputStr = "", fParams = [];
        for(let charn in targetStr) {
            if(targetStr.hasOwnProperty(charn)) {
            if(!inVarDeclaration && (typeof targetStr[charn - 1]=="undefined" || targetStr[charn - 1]!="\\") && targetStr[charn]=="%" && targetStr[parseInt(charn) + 1].trim()!="") {
                inVarDeclaration = true;
            } else if(inVarDeclaration && targetStr[charn]=="[") {
                if(!["s", "n", "b", "a", "f", "d"].includes(sequence)) throw "Unknown type given in format "+sequence+" at position "+charn;
                sequence = "";
            } else if(inVarDeclaration && targetStr[charn]=="]") {
                sequence = "";
                inVarDeclaration = false;
                fParams = [];
            } else if(inVarDeclaration && (targetStr[charn].trim()=="" || targetStr.length - 1<=parseInt(charn))) {
                if(targetStr.length - 1<=parseInt(charn)) sequence += targetStr[charn];
                if(sequence.indexOf("[")>-1) throw "Format proeprty name cannot have a whitespace";
                if(!["s", "n", "b", "a", "f", "d"].includes(sequence)) throw "Unknown type given in format "+sequence+" at position "+charn;
                sequence = "";
                inVarDeclaration = false;
                fParams = [];
            } else if(inVarDeclaration && targetStr[charn]!="[" && targetStr[charn]!="_" && !(targetStr[charn].charCodeAt()>=65 && targetStr[charn].charCodeAt()<=90) && !(targetStr[charn].charCodeAt()>=97 && targetStr[charn].charCodeAt()<=122)) throw "Invaild symbol "+targetStr[charn]+" at position "+charn;
            else if(inVarDeclaration) sequence += targetStr[charn];
        outputStr = targetStr;
        let currItem = null;
        for(let catched in sequences) {
            if(Array.isArray(sequences[catched])) {
                if(sequences[catched].length>0) {
                    currItem = sequences[catched].length>1 ? initialObj[sequences[catched][1]] : initialObj[catched];
                    if(typeof currItem!="undefined" && currItem!=null) {
                    switch(sequences[catched][0]) {
                        case "s":
                            if(typeof currItem!="string") currItem = currItem.toString();
                            outputStr = outputStr.replace(sequences[catched].length>1 ? "%"+sequences[catched][0]+"["+sequences[catched][1]+"]" : "%"+sequences[catched][0], currItem);
                        case "sr":
                            if(typeof currItem!="string") throw "positional argument "+catched+" requires type string";
                            outputStr = outputStr.replace(sequences[catched].length>1 ? "%"+sequences[catched][0]+"["+sequences[catched][1]+"]" : "%"+sequences[catched][0], currItem);
                        case "f":
                            if(!(Number(currItem) === currItem && currItem % 1 !== 0)) { currItem = parseFloat(currItem); }
                            outputStr = outputStr.replace(sequences[catched].length>1 ? "%"+sequences[catched][0]+"["+sequences[catched][1]+"]" : "%"+sequences[catched][0], currItem);
                        case "d":
                            if(!(Number(currItem) === currItem && currItem % 1 === 0)) currItem = parseInt(currItem);
                            outputStr = outputStr.replace(sequences[catched].length>1 ? "%"+sequences[catched][0]+"["+sequences[catched][1]+"]" : "%"+sequences[catched][0], currItem);
                        case "b":
                            if(typeof currItem!="boolean") currItem = !!currItem;
                            outputStr = outputStr.replace(sequences[catched].length>1 ? "%"+sequences[catched][0]+"["+sequences[catched][1]+"]" : "%"+sequences[catched][0], currItem);
                } else throw "Cannot parse format due to lack of type at index "+catched+" (function format error)";
            } else throw "Cannot parse format due to invaild sequence type at index "+catched+" (function format error)";
            currItem = null;
        return outputStr;
    } catch(FormatingError) {



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  • xModerator

New version of Jumper package is available. Now you can parse HTML strings into React elements/components and native elements.

Just look (React): https://codesandbox.io/s/jumper-module-react-simple-parser-3b8c9?file=/src/App.js

Repository (Source): https://github.com/Grano22/jumper/blob/master/components.js

Newest NPM Package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/jumper_react


Next version will contains iterable keys - objects in format functions and also new types and more on components (widgets).

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