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Hi everyone. 

As most of you know, especially @SweetButPhysco12who was following me and get her Peloton Bike, on the 26th of December we will have a chance at last to order new Peleton Treadmill here in Uk.

I can't wait for the first day when I'll be able to place my oder and at last start intense running.

For me, as some of you know physical activity is important as well as gaming and mental health...so this is why I'm treating Peloton bike and Treadmill as a "suplement" in my weekly routine, sometimes you not feel good to run in the rainy, wet, or stormy weather(yes, typical British weather 🤣)....this is when you can jump in to do a spin or have a indoor run.

Please visit https://www.onepeloton.co.uk/tread for more info and let me know what is your idea of running, "inside", "outside" or "both"?

Enjoy and have a fun!



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Hi @edjazoli25, I was thinking about Peloton Bike and still not sure, Its quite expensive but probably its worth it as most of the gym are closed now.

It's a good bike? Can you do finance on it and do you need  pay extra membership?

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Yes, you are paying monthly membership of £39 and monthly payment with 0% Klarna credit-£45 for 3 years.I know its expensive, however you can set up accounts for family members and use it as an app on mobile, Apple Watch etc, so you will end-up not only with spinning lessons but also  with joga, gym, running, walk, meditation and more. Bike it self is heavy and well balanced, you will enjoy every second on it but take time to set it up properly( delivery team will do it for you)

We are going for treadmill as well as we are a runners all our life, so this will be a great add to our weekly routine.

If you will decide to go for a bike, remember  don't need to got for bike+as its more expensive and only extra feature is that you can speed a screen( use tv instead) and resistant can be set automatically. 

If you want I will supply you with recommendation code so you will receive  a £100 discount for a bike.

Let me know your decision and enjoy.Just to add that @SweetButPhysco12bought the bike on the beginning of this year as she saw my post on xbox-vibes.



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Hi, thanks for the code will use it as really thinking about bike, especially the price goes down now.How you doing with your treadmill?

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  • Administrator

Hi @Suzan, I have ordered yesterday and need to wait up to 8 weeks for delivery, can't wait for first run.Screenshot 2020-12-26 at 10.56.01.png

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Hi @edjazoli25,nice Christmas 🎁, And so happy that @Suzangoing for bike as well, @Suzan look for a #sweetsweet tag and you will fine me a as @sweet12.

How long you will wait for delivery then? 
Are you going to use this same profile as I’m following you and would love to stay this way.?

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  • Administrator

Good morning @SweetButPhysco12, everything staying this same, this same profile @milestorun . Deliveries will start in February😢.

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