Problems with the power supply? Or are you looking for a better charger?
4 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi guys. Im looking for some type of charger for my xbox series X controllers. Can I use something like a charger and kind of "resting" gizmo for controllers?- sorry, I don't know how you naming that gizmo. So if you could guide me and find one I'll be more than happy. Its a UK region and I can spend up to £25 for it.
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi there Looking for charging station for my Xbox one controllers. As well I’m thinking about new controller from series S/X and it will be perfect when one dock will charge two different controllers. Looking forward for your reconciliations and ideas. Thanks 🙏
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Morning. I’m in the process of buying accessories for my series S, could you recommend some charging stations for controllers? Uk only please.
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Cześć wszystkim, obecnie gram na padach i używam zwykłych bateri. Jest cos dobrego na rynku co może je zastąpić, dobre akumulatorki co mogę mieć i na zmianę ladowc? Tylko ładowarkę tez potrzebuje pewnie.? Z gory dzieki